Anne M Nickodem, MD PC.

Transgender Breast Augmentation

Achieve the Body You Desire with Transgender Breast Surgery

The desire to go from male to female or female to male leads to a lengthy and complicated process. The addition or elimination of female breast tissue is one of the most visible attributes of a transgender transformation. Whether you desire a transgender mastectomy (female to male) or transgender breast augmentation (male to female), Dr. Anne Nickodem can help you through the physical and emotional transformation process.

Types of Transgender Breast Surgery

  • Transfeminine Top Surgery: perform breast augmentation to increase the size and shape of the breasts
  • Transmasculine Top Surgery: perform a mastectomy to remove breast tissue

Transgender Breast Augmentation Options

Similar to women who want larger breasts, males making this transition will have many choices to make when it comes to the size, shape, type and location of their implants. Dr. Nickodem will discuss the various options and help you choose the right ones for your unique body frame, anatomy and lifestyle.

  • Breast Implant Type: saline, silicone gel or gummy bear implants
  • Breast Implant Size: silicone breast implants are pre-filled/pre-sized; saline implants are filled with the saline solution after they have been inserted into the body to achieve the desired size
  • Breast Implant Shape: round or teardrop
  • Breast Implant Texture: smooth or textured
  • Incision Area: under the arm (transaxillary), around the areola (periareolar), inside the navel (transumbilical/TUBA) or in the under breast crease (inframmary)
  • Breast Implant Placement: under the pectoral muscles and underlying muscles (submuscular), under the upper pectoral muscles but above the chest muscles (subpectoral) or above the pectoral and chest muscles and beneath the breast tissue (subglandular)

Transmasculine Top Surgery

In order to perform a mastectomy for a female to male transition, Dr. Nickodem will take into consideration the patient’s amount of existing breast tissue, excess skin to be removed and how much nipple sensation is desired.

What to Expect with Transgender Breast Surgery

These procedures are performed under general anesthesia or sedation. After an incision is made, Dr. Nickodem will continue the procedure for the desired results:

  • Transfeminine Top Surgery: Place the implant in the pre-decided area on the chest (under/over the muscles). If a saline implant is chosen, the proper amount of saline solution will be injected into the implant to achieve the desired size.
  • Transmasculine Top Surgery: Remove breast tissue and excess skin, reposition the remaining tissues and skin to create a masculine appearance, reposition the nipple and areola to an aesthetically pleasing location.

The incisions are then closed and the chest area will be wrapped in a bandage to minimize swelling and promote healing.

Transgender Breast Surgery Recovery

Expect to rest at home for at least 48 hours. Your chest may remain sore and swollen for several weeks; wearing a special support garment will aid in healing. Avoid strenuous activity and smoking until your chest area is completely healed.

Transgender Breast Surgery Risks: Transfeminine Top Surgery

  • Implant rupture, causing the saline or silicone gel to leak into the body
  • Infection
  • Capsular contracture which occurs when the scar tissue around the implant begins to contract, squeezing the breast
  • Loss of breast sensitivity
  • Rippling or indentations in the breast
  • General dissatisfaction with the size or appearance of the breasts
  • Need for revision surgery in the future

Transgender Breast Surgery Risks: Transmasculine Top Surgery

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Poor wound healing
  • Hematoma
  • Loss of nipple sensation

These risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced and well-trained surgeon and having regular exams to monitor any changes in your breasts.

To learn more about transgender breast surgery in Annadale, VA, and to find out if you could benefit from this popular procedure, contact us to schedule a Cosmetic Consultation.

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(703) 560-8711

8229 Boone Blvd, Suite 365
Vienna, VA 22182

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